
My chapter is not receiving mail from National HQ. Could there be a problem?

Yes, you need to verify the chapter address recorded in our database to insure that we have the correct information. National HQ uses one address to mail all chapter mail, so it is very important that you keep us notified of any change in address and/or chapter officers.

By |2018-10-23T21:26:43-04:00March 12th, 2018|, |Comments Off on My chapter is not receiving mail from National HQ. Could there be a problem?

Can my chapter use the National Tax ID Number?

No, the National tax ID number and exemption status does not cover the chapters of ASMC. If your chapter would like to obtain a Tax ID number, you should contact your local IRS office to obtain the proper forms. Chapters must also file to obtain tax exempt status.

By |2018-10-23T21:26:43-04:00March 12th, 2018|, |Comments Off on Can my chapter use the National Tax ID Number?

How are rebates issued to the chapter?

Membership rebates are issued to the chapter monthly, based upon payments received in the prior month. No rebate checks will be sent to your chapter until your rebate balance reaches at least $75.00 We will clear all accounts in June each year and provide a rebate check for your total account regardless of the amount [...]

By |2018-10-23T21:26:43-04:00March 12th, 2018|, |Comments Off on How are rebates issued to the chapter?

What information must be submitted to National Headquarters from a chapter?

It depends on if a chapter is competing for an award. If so, you should refer to the award rules at, in addition to the requirements below. If you are not competing for an award, the requirement minimum is based on the National Constitution and By-Laws as follows: A copy of Chapter By-Laws and [...]

By |2018-10-23T21:26:43-04:00March 12th, 2018|, |Comments Off on What information must be submitted to National Headquarters from a chapter?

How do I submit chapter activity photos for the Armed Forces Comptroller?

ASMC Worldwide Chapter News Deadlines for submission •Winter issue – December 31 •Spring issue – February 28 •Summer issue – May 31 •Fall issue – August 31 Guidelines for Chapter News Photos Four pages of the Armed Forces Comptroller are dedicated to sharing photos and news of chapter activities. Every attempt will be made to [...]

By |2018-10-23T21:26:43-04:00March 12th, 2018|, |Comments Off on How do I submit chapter activity photos for the Armed Forces Comptroller?
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