As we mark the 11th year anniversary of the 9/11, please join the ASMC National Executive Committee and Staff in remembering our fallen comrades.

The attacks eleven years ago touched the lives of every American. Fifteen of our ASMC members were killed in the attacks, and another seven were seriously injured. As you pay tribute and honor to all of the victims of September 11th, please make a special note of our own fallen comrades.

Angelene Carter
Gerald Fisher
Peggy Hurt
Brenda Gibson
Brenda Kegler
Robert Maxwell
Patricia Mickley
Diane Padro
Edward Rowenhorst
Robert Russell
Charles Sabin
Sandra Taylor
Willie Troy
David Laychak
Rhonda Rasmussen

Injured Victims

Aaron Cooper
Kathy Cordero
Juan Cruz-Santiago
Paul Gonzalez
David Lanagan
Sheila Moody
Christine Morrison