The day after the President released the FY2011 DoD budget, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs ADM Mike Mullen testified before the House and Senate Armed Services Committees.  Secretary Gates’ testimony reinforced the “administration’s commitment to modest, steady, and sustainable real growth in defense spending.”  He underscored the budget’s support for DoD’s major priorities:  1) commitment to care for servicemembers and their families; 2) emphasis on capabilities to meet current security challenges and enhancement of capabilities that may be needed in the future; and 3) continuing to reform DoD’s management and acquisition processes.  ADM Mullen’s testimony provided an overview of the nation’s strategic posture and the ongoing threats to national security.  He urged the Congress to continue to provide strong support for the warfighters and their families.  ADM Mullen also emphasized the need to reconstitute military equipment experiencing extraordinary stress in current military operations and develop new initiatives to meet future challenges.  The senior civilian and military leadership of the Military Services will testify on their budgets in two weeks.