The President will release the FY2011 federal budget to the public and Congress on Monday February 1, 2010. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Peter R. Orszag, will hold a press conference on the budget on Monday and will testify before the House and Senate Budget Committees on Tuesday, February 2. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and ADM Mike Mullen, CJCS, will brief the press on the FY2011 DoD budget and the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, February 2, Secretary Gates and ADM Mullen will testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee. They will appear before the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday, February 3.

Next week Highlights will include a brief overview of the FY 2011 DoD budget request and indentify links to official statements and available budget material.