European Chapter PDI

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This year’s theme is “Adaptive Leadership in a Complex Environment” underscores the necessity for leaders to navigate multifaceted challenges with flexibility, resilience, and foresight particularly in the complex OCONUS environment. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, characterized by technological advancements, global interconnectedness, and dynamic social and political climates, traditional leadership models often fall short. Focusing on this theme, the European PDI aims to equip leaders with the skills to anticipate and respond effectively to change, foster innovation, build unity, and cultivate a culture of adaptability within their organizations. By embracing unpredictability, embracing diversity of thought, and fostering a learning mindset, adaptive leaders can steer their teams and organizations through turbulence towards sustainable success. Please register for the in-person event and receive 14 CPE credits, learn, and have fun!

When: April 24 – 25, 2024, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Where: Heidelberg Marriott Conference Center – Heidelberg, Germany

Event POC: Lindsey Thompson
POC Email:

Earn 14 CPE hours.
Cost: $300



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