John H. James, Director of the National Security Personnel System (NSPS) Transition Office, has been appointed the Executive Director of the Missile Defense Agency.  The appointment was effective May 23, 2011.

James was appointed NSPS Transition Office Director in January 2010, after the FY201 Defense Authorization Act repealed the NSPS.  His assignment was to direct three phases of the NSPS transition:  1) close down the NSPS 2) transition former NSPS employees to other pay systems; and 3) design a new DoD-wide performance management and bonus distribution system for civilian employees. 

James leaves the NSPS Transition Office after almost 90 percent (199,530) of the 226,000 former NSPS employees have been transitioned to General Schedule (GS) pay plans.  The remaining NSPS employees will transition before the end of 2011, as scheduled.

He set  in motion and directed the three design teams of union and management who are working to develop the personnel initiatives required in the FY2010 Defense Authorization Act:  1) develop a fair, credible, and transparent enterprise performance appraisal system, 2) redesign procedures to streamline hiring flexibilities, and 3) establish a civilian workforce incentive fund to recognize performance and attract and retain employees with superior qualifications.  “We have set the standard for an inclusive, broad-based design and development process, with the full support and participation of management and union,” James said.  Updates on the progress of these three design teams are available on the NSPS website.

Pat Tamburrino, Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Civilian Personnel Policy, has been assigned to oversee the NSPS transition activities and lead the design teams’ work.